Renfrew Collingwood Seniors Adult Day Centre
“Betty, we need your diapers,” said artist Carmen Rosen as she and her creative colleagues gathered around the second page of their felt book devoted to the history of Collingwood, and of Diaper Hill in particular. The irony of that statement was certainly not lost on the RenColl group, overcome by giggles at the very idea. It’s these moments of collective laughter and community making that have defined this group, which was part of the Arts and Health from its inception (in 2006) until 2014.
The group was led by Carmen Rosen and artist Emmanuelle Renard. Rosen has worked in community-engaged arts for over three decades and feels strongly about making art in her own neighborhood of Renfrew-Collingwood. “I took a felt-making workshop at Maiwa Handprints a few years ago,” she recalls, “and I knew that I would introduce this process to our group in the Arts and Health program.”
As part of their final project, the group worked together with a Grade 3 class from Nootka Elementary School to write down their personal stories and memories of Diaper Hill, and to create a large-scale felt book, Soft Stories: A Felt History, on show here today. It is amazing to see each group member working on individual aspects of the page, from images of diapers, to trees, to pets and sweet little houses. The group gathered around to discuss where to place their felted creation, and it was beautiful to witness each page unified as a single image that literally showed the hand of each artist.
What is Felting?
If you’ve ever mistakenly put your wool sweater in the wash, then you already have some idea of what felting is. Very simply, felt is matted wool. Wool becomes felt when it is subjected to moisture, heat, and pressure. The group at Renfrew Collingwood experimented with both wet felting and needle felting.
Wet felting is the process of applying hot water and agitation to wool: you begin with unwoven wool and subject it to a process of rolling, beating, and dropping until the wool is thoroughly matted. Needle felting is a popular fibre-arts method conducted without the use of water. Special barbed felting needles used in industrial felting machines are employed here as a sculpting tool. The result is a process of tangling and binding the layers of wool together, much like the wet-felting process.
If you are interested in participating in seniors programming at Renfrew Collingwood Adult Day Centre, please contact Donna Clarke at
Renfrew Park Community Centre
2929 E 22nd Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5M 2Y3
2006 - 2013